
Posts Tagged ‘fiber art

Spinning lock yarn is so fun!  There are so many different ways to spin lock yarn.  You can start with a base of wool and add the locks to that as you go.  Or you can only spin locks and/or add other spin in materials as well.  If the goal was for us all to spin a lock yarn..I think they would all be different and beautiful.  Creating unique beauty is so soothing to my soul.  I wish that on everyone! Here’s a few pics of some of my latest lock dyeing adventures. 🙂

These are English Leicester locks from Namaste Farms 🙂

wool locks, handspun locks, lock yarn, art yarn, hand dyed wool locks,


wool locks, dyed locks, spinning locks, wool lock bundle, handspun yarn


wool locks, handspinning locks, lock yarn, lamb locks




You’ll be happy about this handspun yarn sale!  Perfect for soft and smooshy spring newborn gear!  I’m running this special thru the month of April. 🙂 You can find it in my ilashdesigns shop here.

Or by clicking on the photo.

handspun yarn, yarn sale, handspun sale, thick and thin yarn, bulky yarn, chunky yarn, spring sale

Thanks for stopping in and checking out my handspun yarn!  Be sure and check out my facebook page for more fun things going on.  I’ve been having regular give aways..patterns and wool roses….you never know what I’ll be celebrating over there next!  I hope you are enjoying spring!

Your friend in fiber,


The sun was shining here, just like it was really trying to be spring!  The temps are warming slowly, and the mating pair of robins in our front yarn yard, are back!  I do think spring is really coming if we are all lucky!  So to celebrate I am hosting another handspun yarn give away on my facebook page.  You do pay for the shipping but I’ll throw in the skein for free! The yarn is a fun colored superwash merino wool with some soft sweet lavender and peach and ivory just in time for spring.  I’m also including the wool roses in this one!  Don’t forget to stop by and check out the handspun yarn kits I listed in my Etsy shop today too!  I hope you are enjoying some other kind of weather besides snow and getting to watch  your favorite spring birds arrive too!  🙂

handspun yarn, wool flowers, wool roses, handspun superwash merino, thick and thin yarn, embellishments, peach, violet, ivory yarn, ilashdesigns

Handspun Yarn

My wool cowl and/or headband is crochet from a handspun triple plied yarn.  The fun squishy loft of this yarn makes this piece a winner, even with your eyes closed.  But open! open!! OPEN your eyes!!  Because the autumn colors turned out amazing!  I’m so thrilled with the yarn!  My limited crochet skills are mostly hidden.  WHAT a BONUS!  And so truly…this is a beginner crochet piece.

The dyed buttons were fun.  I had to kiss a few frogs to find the right button size. The little ones are from my parent’s apple trees. The centers didn’t want to dye. There was no fixing they are match the yarn eh? I got all nostalgic thinking my dad could have told me the hard luck stories of the first years of those little twiggy apple trees. They grew fine apples eventually..and they were so proud..”those are Transparents!!” Mom made yummy apple everything! The frogs are from Ash trees – they turned out great, too large, but great! They are some special buttons to me.  My dad passed away a few years ago.  My mom sold their place and moved to town.  The apple trees were just a few on their multiple acre park, they called their yard.  It was filled with special trees, bushes, ponds, rock gardens they had built over almost 30 years, where once was pasture.  I about cried the day this box of wooden buttons arrived.  Yep, pretty special!

This cowl/headband is ready to ship and can be found in my ilashkisses shop on Etsy.  Clicking on the photo will magically take you there! 😉

wool cowl, handspun cowl, crochet cowl, wooden buttons, fall color yarn

Wool Cowl


wool cowl, crochet cowl, handspun yarn, autumn colors, wooden buttons

Wool Cowl

I’ve been exercising my instant download skills on Etsy, what a thrill! (look out for doing too much of that!)  and it seems they are telling me beginner?  in the descriptions but…it’s all over my head still. FP EX F? really?   Good thing I can go in and download until the end of time.  That’s a nice feature I may have to consider somehow including that little treasure in my will.  “Winky, your grandma left you..all of her handwork patterns on Etsy – as long as the account stays active”.   Really?   I’m sure they’ll be scrambling to find “that thumb drive with all G.G.’s top secret password and id info” on it right away!  (note to self – make a duplicate!)  Yep, pretty sure of that.  hint:  The thumb is probably in among the scrap scribbly and coffee stained  papers and napkins I call my “patterns”,  not to far away from my yarn stash.   You know the place!   🙂

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