
Posts Tagged ‘spinning locks

Spinning lock yarn is so fun!  There are so many different ways to spin lock yarn.  You can start with a base of wool and add the locks to that as you go.  Or you can only spin locks and/or add other spin in materials as well.  If the goal was for us all to spin a lock yarn..I think they would all be different and beautiful.  Creating unique beauty is so soothing to my soul.  I wish that on everyone! Here’s a few pics of some of my latest lock dyeing adventures. 🙂

These are English Leicester locks from Namaste Farms 🙂

wool locks, handspun locks, lock yarn, art yarn, hand dyed wool locks,


wool locks, dyed locks, spinning locks, wool lock bundle, handspun yarn


wool locks, handspinning locks, lock yarn, lamb locks




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